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Learning any language takes time and effort, and English is no exception. Still, you will realize your goals quickly if you have the drive and patience.

Good communication comes in many forms and styles. No rule is set in stone, and breaking the rules can sometimes be the best way to get your point across. You should figure out what works best for you and develop your technique. 


Speak it out loud! Do not keep all those words inside your head. You never have to be afraid to commit mistakes. Even the best English speakers make mistakes too. English learners fail to converse effectively because they fear saying something that does not make sense. Sometimes they are too shy to speak to someone because they do not know how to start or handle a conversation. Have you ever felt this way too? I know I once did. 

The most important thing to develop is your confidence in speaking the language. You can’t converse with anyone in any language if you are not confident enough. Another factor is increasing your vocabulary, which is the most basic and important rule to follow. So, find and learn new words daily. Talk with yourself in front of the mirror, and speak out loud. Because when you do, it automatically helps to increase your confidence. 

Listen to yourself. You will become a good speaker if you are a good listener too. Sounds silly, but it makes sense.

You can always start by reading your favorite English book out loud. Then once you feel confident enough, try to move on to thinking in English. Then you can start practicing in front of a mirror. You can then proceed to record your speech and listen back to it. These activities will give you more confidence. 

Use English in Your Daily Life as Much as Possible – It is more important to have frequent contact with English than to have hours and hours of study. Using English for 20 minutes daily is better than studying for 1 hour only once a week. 

Be consistent! Even if you do not live in an English-speaking country, there are still many ways to do this.


Below are just a few suggestions for making English part of your daily life:

. Listen to English as you drive to work, go to school, or whatever you are doing as long as it gives you a chance to listen.

. Read the news online in English instead of in your native language.

. Practice thinking in English while doing housework, exercising, or whatever activity you have.

 . Read articles, listen to podcasts, and watch videos in English about topics you enjoy (this is important! You will make much more progress if you are having fun during the process).


Balance the Area of Language Learning – Many students focus too much on one or two areas and end up being weak in the other. One tip is to dedicate one day per week to studying and practicing each area. It is how you should develop fluency. You need to be equally good in every skill.  

. Reading

. Writing

. Speaking

. Listening

. Grammar

. Vocabulary


Get a Regular Speaking Partner Through a “Conversation Exchange” Website – You can’t just study English alone… you need to USE your English skills!

You can find a speaking partner online through a “conversation exchange” website if you have no one to practice with. On these websites, you can meet native English speakers who want to learn your native language – this way, you can help each other learn and practice.

Practice Talking To Yourself – This is an excellent way to develop fluency and confidence. There is no pressure to be perfect; nobody else will hear your mistakes.

Imagine somebody is asking you a question. Then practice answering it by talking to yourself out loud.

Yes, it feels silly. But you can do it alone where no one will hear you, and it’s a significant step to putting your English into practice. 

Take your time. You’re setting off on a long journey with delays and frustrations. Sometimes you’ll be in the fast lane, and other times you’ll be stuck in traffic, but there will also be many things and interesting people along the way. Enjoy the journey of learning the language.

transition is a bridge from Point A to Point B – a connection between two points. Suppose you can learn how to use transitions. In that case, you will improve the fluency of your speech, thus, avoiding verbalized pauses and unnecessary words. Good transitions demonstrate a good command of the language, thus enhancing your credibility.

Here are a few more tips to improve your speaking skills in English:

1. Build your confidence: First, gradually build confidence in yourself over time. It takes practice to sustain and build the confidence that you have developed within you. Use that confidence to overcome your hesitations in speaking English. 

2. Try NOT to translate: If you translate the words from your mother tongue, the order of words is different. Instead, learn phrases and sentences so you don’t have to think about the words you are saying. It should be automatic.

Another problem with translating is that you will try to incorporate grammar rules you have learned. Translating words and thinking about the grammar rules to create English sentences must be corrected and avoided.

3. Talk and use the language: when you study, don’t just listen. Speak out loud the material you are listening to and practice what you hear. Practice speaking out loud until your mouth and brain can do it without effort. By doing so, you will be able to speak English fluently.

4. Practice consistently: Without practice, nothing can be achieved. It would be best to practice what you learned – new words, grammar, and phrases. It is best to do it with a partner.

5. Speak slowly! It is essential to use a natural rhythm when speaking a new language. If you speak slowly, it will be easier for people to understand you.

6. Expand your vocabulary: You need to watch English movies with subtitles, not just by using a dictionary. As soon as you see and listen to a new word, remember to write it down and look for its meaning in a dictionary. 

Look on the internet to find sentences with that word. Pronounce the word many times to make it second nature. Review it for two weeks at least, and it will be a part of your vocabulary.

Watching a video or movie can boost your word knowledge at the same time, helps you remember easily. Reading novels is a great way to learn new words and their use in different situations. So pick a pleasant and exciting story from your local library and start the learning process immediately.

7. surround yourself with English: You can do this by making rules with your family or friends; tell them you will only speak English. You can also carry around an iPod and constantly listen to English sentences. As you can see, you can achieve results by changing your surroundings. Submerge yourself in English, and you will learn several times faster.

8. Find native friends and speak with them. There are so many sources for chatting through the internet, allowing you to communicate with people worldwide, so you can be connected and speak as much as you want.

Lastly, have fun! 

***How to be good at speaking?

 It takes long hours of constant practice! No one can speak fluently in a flash. It needs time, and how long depends on your ability, dedication, motivation, and I.Q.

  • Make up your mind about how you will practice having the conversation. Make a plan if you must, or do whatever works for you and stick with it.

  • Overcome your shyness and doubts. English is a foreign language. It does not matter if we make mistakes during the learning stage. What is important is that you are trying your best and using the language consistently.

  • The more you speak, the faster you will learn. Do not limit yourself by the thoughts like” Oh, what if I say something silly or pronounce something in a weird or wrong way.” What you need to do is kick this thought out of your mind. Tell yourself,” I can do it, and I will. “

  • Find people who are fluent in speaking English ( and know your language too). Be friends with them and get into the conversation, forgetting you are practicing to achieve something. Just feel comfortable as if you are a native speaker. Be confident while talking to someone in English and look directly into the eyes. Focus on the person while saying something, or they will think you are having trouble speaking the language.

  • Write short dialogues for everyday situations. Now get a tape recorder. Say the lines you have written in your conversations how they should ( according to the case). It would seem good enough to change your voice slightly when the other character has to speak. Now listen to it again and again. You could find out the silly mistakes you made, and then the next time, say the lines after correcting them. You would surely get the perfect way to communicate with anyone in English at a particular time.

  • To communicate in English with the perfect expressions, you need to memorize some of the conversations you wrote. Then go to the washroom or wherever you feel comfortable. Stand facing the mirror. Take a deep breath and imagine standing before someone who does not know your language. Start recalling and saying the lines correctly with the proper expressions according to that situation. Make it look very natural. Do this once a day, regularly. It should take you even further to the way of speaking English fluently.

  • Ask your friends to help you with this. Prepare some skits using the dialogues you wrote. Perform it ( not on the stage ) with some of your friends at home. 

  • Make DICTIONARY your best friend. It is just a case of looking it up in your dictionary ( your best friend ). Practice these things regularly, and it will get you to speak English fluently.

  • Lastly, improve your Learning Skills! Learning is a skill, and you can improve it. It will help to learn the language much easier to handle.

Your path to effective learning is through knowing the following:


-your capacity to learn

-processes you have successfully used in the past

-your interests and knowledge of what you wish to learn

I hope all of these tips help.